It looks like the Cincinnati Reds are facing a tough challenge in Pittsburgh today.
After wrapping up a series against the St. Louis Cardinals, the Reds were just a game shy of the .500 mark, and things seemed to be heading in a positive direction for 2024. However, since then, they've dealt with multiple injuries, including Hunter Greene, Andrew Abbott, Jeimer Candelario, and Jake Fraley all hitting the injured list. They were also completely outplayed at home by the Kansas City Royals. Now, they've dropped the first two games of their series with the Pirates, and a loss today would send them to the bottom of the National League standings, marking a steep slide that would put them far out of Wild Card contention, at least 8 games back. What started as "treading water" quickly turned into "let's just end this season" in no time. Victor Scott II Jersey
Julian Aguiar is on the mound again today, and in the midst of a constantly changing roster, the Reds have called up Casey Kelly while parting ways with Alan Busenitz. Ty France and Dominic Smith are batting in consecutive spots in the lineup, as many had predicted. The game is scheduled for 6:40 PM ET. The struggle continues.



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It looks like the Cincinnati Reds are facing a tough challenge in Pittsburgh today.0